All resources are tried and tested in practice, no editing required they're all ready to go!
FiZo prides itself on providing quality, engaging resources with attractive presentation which promotes learning for all.
All resources are tried and tested in practice, no editing required they're all ready to go!
FiZo prides itself on providing quality, engaging resources with attractive presentation which promotes learning for all.
**Lesson has been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes, including VTCT, NCFE, GCSE and A Level sport and PE. **
A great 15 slide PowerPoint lesson covering the considerations that need to be made planning fitness training programmes. Lesson includes subject content, engaged and practical tasks which get students active in there learning. The lesson includes several student tasks which allows the lesson to be highly interactive and engaging whilst promoting learning. The lesson is based around group work and sharing knowledge for students to scaffold each other’s learning All learning culminates in completion a differentiated task to assess student learning.
FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
24 slide lesson covering personality types in sports psychology. Content covers.
Definition of personality in sport psychology
Type A and B personalities
Eyesncks view of personality.
Lesson include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes.
20 slide lesson covering the structure of the respiratory system.
Lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use.
Bundle of 11 high quality Anatomy and Physiology lessons (comprising of over 200 slides) and supporting student resources. Each powerpoint is a structure lessons which include;
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
The 11 lessons cover the following topics;
Major bones of the body
Types of bone
Type of joint and movements
Functions of the skeletal system
Major muscles of the body
Muscle contractions and fibers
Functions of the muscular system
The structure of the respiratory system
Flow of air through the respiratory system
Gaseous exchange
Lung volumes
Transport of gases
The structure of the heart
Flow of blood through the cardiovascular system
Blood pressure
Composition of blood
Fighting infections
Vasodilation and constriction
Energy creation in the body (ATP)
The 3 energy systems
All lessons are thoroughly planned, have all been tried in practice and are reading to be used at GCSE, BTEC Level 2/3 and other equivenet qualifications.
All lessons are available individually, saving of 17% by buying in bundle.
Perfect for BTEC, GCSE, VTCT and NCFE
A great 18 slide PowerPoint lesson covering flexibility training. Lesson includes subject content, engaged and practical tasks which get students active in there learning. Activities aim to relate to sporting examples to ensure progress, whilst also including recall of knowledge to promote learning.
The lesson includes a recap on the definition of flexibility before covering static, dynamic and PNF stretching to develop flexibility. The lesson includes several student tasks which allows the lesson to be highly interactive and engaging whilst promoting learning. All learning culminates in completion a differentiated task to assess student learning.
FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
**Lesson has been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes, including VTCT, NCFE, GCSE and A Level sport and PE. **
A great 25 slide PowerPoint gym-based lesson covering the monitoring of intensity during fitness sessions and programmes. Lesson includes subject content, engaged and practical tasks which get students active in there learning. The lesson includes several student tasks which allows the lesson to be highly interactive and engaging whilst promoting learning. Theoretical a understanding of intensity is covered and reinforced before students demonstrate there learning in a group practical activity. Lesson content includes.
• Training zones
• Observation
• Talk Test
• Borg Scale
FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
**Lesson has been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes, including VTCT, NCFE, GCSE and A Level sport and PE. **
A great 18 slide PowerPoint lesson covering the RAMP warm-ups and cool downs. Lesson includes subject content, engaged and practical tasks which get students active in there learning. The lesson includes several student tasks which allows the lesson to be highly interactive and engaging whilst promoting learning. Theoretical understanding of the importance of warm-ups and cool downs is covered before students demonstrate their learning by creating and peer previewing their warm-ups and cool downs. Lesson content includes.
FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
19 slide full PowerPoint lesson covering the stress in the field of sports psychology. Lesson content includes.
• Definition of stress
• Causes of stress.
• Eustress and Distress
• Symptoms of stress
• Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
• Effects of stress on performance
Lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
20 slide lesson covering the function of the respiratory system.
Lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use.
20 slide lesson covering the Lactic acid and Aerobic Energy Systems
Lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progression learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use.
12 slides on the types of bone,
Lessons include-
• Starter activities
• Progression learning objectives
• Subject content
• Assessment opportunities
• Differentiation
• Plenary activities
Has been used in the delivery of Level 3 BTEC programmes however could be used at other qualification levels and routes.
Student resources backs with required resources and diagrams included.
A great 24 slide PowerPoint lesson covering leadership theories in sport. Lesson includes subject content, engaged and practical tasks which get students active in there learning. Activities aim to relate to sporting examples to ensure progress, whilst also including recall of knowledge to promote learning. The lesson covers the 3 main leadership styles of autocratic, democratic and laissez- faire. For each style, the characteristics of those styles are outlined with the positives and negatives of using each also outlined and related to sporting example. The lesson includes a number of student tasks which allows the lesson to be highly interactive and engaging whilst promoting learning. All learning culminates in completion a differentiated task to assess student learning.
FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes including level 2 BTEC, VTCT, NCFE and GCSE. Lesson ready to use.
15 slides on the functions of the skeletal system.
Lessons include-
• Starter activities
• Progression learning objectives
• Subject content
• Assessment opportunities
• Differentiation
• Plenary activities
Has been used in the delivery of Level 3 BTEC programmes however could be used at other qualification levels and routes.
Student resources backs with required resources and diagrams included.
36 slides on the different types of joint in the body and the movements availible,
Lessons include-
• Starter activities
• Progression learning objectives
• Subject content
• Assessment opportunities
• Differentiation
• Plenary activities
Has been used in the delivery of Level 3 BTEC programmes however could be used at other qualification levels and routes.
Student resources backs with required resources and diagrams included.
30 slides on the structure of the cardiovascular system.
Lessons include-
• Starter activities
• Progression learning objectives
• Subject content
• Assessment opportunities
• Differentiation
• Plenary activities
Has been used in the delivery of Level 3 BTEC programmes however could be used at other qualification levels and routes.
Student resources backs with required resources and diagrams included.
22 slides on the structure of the skeletal system.
Lessons include-
• Starter activities
• Progression learning objectives
• Subject content
• Assessment opportunities
• Differentiation
• Plenary activities
Has been used in the delivery of Level 3 BTEC programmes however could be used at other qualification levels and routes.
Student resources backs with required resources and diagrams included.
A 21-slide full PowerPoint lesson covering anxiety and its effect of sports performance within the field of sport psychology. The lesson is based around a series of tasks and sporting examples which promote student discussion and debate, making the lesson very interactive.
The lesson covers the following content.
• A definition of anxiety in sport psychology
• The common symptoms of anxiety (somatic and cognitive)
• The causes of anxiety
• The effects of anxiety on sports performance
All FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
A 28-slide full PowerPoint lesson on aggression in sport performance within the field of sport psychology. The lesson is based around a range of scenarios which encourage students to reflect on own and others experiences and relate them to theory. Lesson content includes.
Definition of aggression
Gill’s criteria for aggressive behaviour
Types of aggression (instrumental and hostile)
Instinct theory of aggression
Social Learning Theory of aggression
Frustration- Aggression Theory
All FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
A 19-slide full PowerPoint lesson on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation within the field of sport psychology. an enjoyable lesson to delivery and take part that is highly active and engaging (my year 13 students still debate the outcome of the competition a year on). The lesson is very student centred; students are tasked with taking part in a multi event challenge within teams with each team offered a different motivational award. This set of challenges sets up the discussion on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the effect that has been demonstrated and how that relates to player/ athlete performance. These activities lead student to complete a differentiated task to finish the lesson.
All FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.
A 21-slide full PowerPoint lesson on group processes within the field of sport psychology. The lesson is very student centred, revolving around engaging and active student challenges which get students working in teams to face challenges. Student performance in these challenges the sets the landscape to introduce and relate Steiner’s Model of effectiveness, the Ringleman effect and social loafing.
All FiZo lessons include.
Starter activities
Subject content
Progressive learning objectives.
Assessment opportunities
Interactive activities
Peer feedback opportunities
Sporting examples
Differentiated activities.
Plenary activities
All required resources
Lessons have been delivered at level 3 BTEC however useable at other levels and programmes. Lesson ready to use. This session has been observed as part of formal observations and has received outstanding feedback.